We are a 100% volunteer-run organization with a focus on fostering a Taiwanese American community in the Bay Area. We welcome people of all cultures and backgrounds!

Tap-sf Goals & Objectives

  • Promote Taiwanese American identity

  • Foster a community for Taiwanese Americans in the Bay Area

  • Host community service, cultural, health and wellness, professional development, and social events

  • Partner with local organizations, educational institutions, and cultural centers

  • Collaborate with TACL-LYF, a sibling organization that hosts an annual summer camp for Taiwanese American youth

  • Promote events and opportunities through digital marketing channels, including newsletters, social media, and more

Taiwanese American Professionals (TAP)

The TAP network spans across major cities in the U.S., including San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, San Diego, Boston, Washington D.C., Seattle, Atlanta, and Austin. The San Francisco chapter is one of the largest and includes 2,500+ young professionals in the Bay Area.

TAP-SF is a chapter of TACL National, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.


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